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Main Menu > Winckelmans > Shapes


Recognized for its expertise in small-format tiles, Winckelmans also offers more traditional and unique formats, as well as a range of shapes suitable for both more traditional and more modern projects.
  • Hexagons
    The hexagon is a classical but essential format to be used in any kind of project. Traditionally used in one single colour just like terracotta floors, it also allows numerous possibilities in terms of patterns.
  • Squares
    Core piece of our range, the square can be used alone or with other formats. The timeless patterns presented here such as the checkerboard pattern or more complex designs can coordinate with all types of projects, from traditional to modern décor!
  • Rectangles
    Our rectangles are available in several dimensions and can be used in one single colour or in coordination with other formats or mosaic combinations (borders, designs, etc.).
  • Octagon
    An assembly between octagons and dots is a classical but timeless combination that will add a touch of authenticity to your project
  • Diamonds
    Length 5cm Thickness 5mm
  • Triangles
  • Rounds